Just how important is breakfast?  It is the ONLY way you should start your day.  Before you start with the excuses, just remember I’ve heard them all – “I don’t have time is the most common one.”  Check out www.dailyscoopofhealth.com for some great fast start ideas. 

Check this recent study out for some validation –

Breakfast and Diabetes Study

The study included more than 5,000 men and women. None had type 2 diabetes when they entered the study.

Seven years into the study, they filled out diet questionnaires that included a question asking how many times a week they ate breakfast. They were followed for an average of 18 years.

People who ate breakfast daily fared best. Compared to people who ate breakfast three or fewer times per week, they were:

  • 34% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes
  • 43% less likely to become obese
  • 40% less likely to develop fat around the tummy (abdominal obesity)

People who ate breakfast at least four to six times per week also did well. Compared to people who ate breakfast no more than three times per week, they were:

  • 24% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes
  • 25% less likely to become obese

To me, these statistics are mind blowing.  I’ve always said – show me some good, solid data on how I can stay healthy and I will show you a lifestyle change that I will make wholeheartedly.  If you needed a wake up call, let the data above be the loudest and most annoying alarm clock that ever wakes you up.  

Why do these statistics exist?  The reason is quite simple to understand when you look at the body’s physiology.   We need an energy source to start the day.  Getting that source in terms of nutrition by the foods we consume is the best way to go.  If we don’t eat, then our body provides that energy by using our fat stores (in the beginning) and then breaking down muscle (in the end). As a side note, people that only eat one meal daily suffer from the same problem described below.  When we skip the most important meal of the day our own insulin level begins to rise.  To have a simple understanding of insulin levels in our body – think of it this way –  the higher the resting state or fasting insulin level in our body, the more difficult it is too lose weight.  There is a direct correlation to increased insulin levels with people that don’t eat breakfast.  Furthermore and even scarier, is that kids that don’t eat breakfast have a higher correlation of diabetes in adulthood.

It is no wonder then why we have seen Diabetes numbers on the rise.   Think about this – in 1994, there were 7.7 million people with diabetes,  in 2012 that number was 29.1 million with another 86 million who are prediabetic.  When does it stop and where does it stop?  It can stop with a fresh start so do your part – start with Breakfast!